Decomposing a Matrix into a Product of Two Full Rank Matrices: an Application of Elementary Matrix Operations 初等变换的一个应用:矩阵的满秩分解
From this point of view, we can concisely and intuitively introduce the multiplication principles of elementary matrix and block matrix. 用变量的线性替换解释矩阵乘法,由此可以简洁而且直观地导出初等矩阵和分块矩阵的乘法原理。
Non-numerical Modeling of Elementary Transformations of Matrix and Model's Application Research 矩阵初等变换的非数值建模及应用研究
An elementary reflexive matrix is proposed and its applications to matrix eigenvalue problem are presented. 构造了一个初等自反矩阵并给出了它在特征值计算中的一个应用。
The book is self-contained, with appendices included on elementary matrix and Laplace transforms. 本书自成体系,并有初等阵论及拉普拉斯变换的附录。
In this paper, a definition of basic elementary matrix is given and the conclusion is drawn that any matrix can be resolved into limited basic primary matrix product. 给出基本初等矩阵的定义,得出任何方阵都可分解为有限个基本初等矩阵的乘积的结论。
The use of the elementary transformation matrix discussed the one yuan polynomial greatest common factor the matrix law. 本文利用矩阵的初等变换讨论了一元多项式最大公因式的求法。
By using the row elementary opration the matrix method of calculating the greatest common divisor of several polynomials is given with concrete applications. 利用多项式矩阵的行初等变换给出了求几个多项式的最大公因式的新方法,并给出了这种方法的具体应用。
Re-discussing Applications of Elementary Transformation in Matrix computation; 再谈初等变换法在矩阵计算中的应用(英文)
On the Method of Elementary Operation of Matrix for Finding a Maximal Independent System of Vectors 关于求向量组最大无关组的矩阵方法
The purpose of this paper is to use properties of elementary transformation of matrix to solve some problems of finite dimensional vector space and to get the greatest common factor of two polynomials. 应用矩阵初等变换的一些性质解决有限维向量空间中若干问题和求两个多项式的最大公因式。
Matrix Divided into Blocks and Generalized Elementary Matrix 分块矩阵和广义初等矩阵
In this paper, we obtain several solutions to the greatest common divisor of polynomial of one indeterminate by using the division algorithm and elementary transformation and oblique elementary transformation of matrix. 文章从辗转相除、矩阵的初等变换以及矩阵的斜消变换等不同角度给出了一元多项式的最大公因式的不同求法。
An elementary matrix method for solving nonlinear programming 非线性规划的初等矩阵解法
The Elementary Reflexive Matrix and its Applications 一个初等自反矩阵及其应用
An equalization algorithm based on the elementary matrix transformation is proposed for the MIMO communication channel, and the corresponding blind equalization algorithm is obtained for the row-diagonally-dominant MIMO system. 对MIMO通信信道提出了一种基于矩阵初等变换的均衡算法,将其用于行对角占优的MIMO系统,则得到相应的MIMO盲均衡算法。
The Decomposition Method to Elementary Transformation of Matrix 基于矩阵初等变换的矩阵分解法
A Convenient Judgement Method for Extreme Value of Multivariate Functions on Elementary Transformation of Matrix 基于矩阵初等变换的n元函数极值的快速判别法
This paper with elementary transformation of matrix discusses some properties of a set of vectors in finite dimensional vector space and the theory basis of this method is given. 该文利用矩阵的初等变换解决有限维向量空间中向量组的线性性质的有关问题,并给出了这种方法的理论依据。
By means of elementary transform of Matrix in Higher Algebra, the article introduces the necessary and sufficient conditions for a solution to uncertain equations with N unknowns and integral coefficients as well as its general formula. 本文利用高等代数中矩阵初等变换的知识,给出n元整系数一次不定方程有解的充要条件及解的一般表达式。
In this paper, we first introduce the concept on the block elementary matrix, then explain its applications. 本文我们先引入分块初等矩阵的概念,然后说明它的一些应用。
This algorithm diagonalizes the MIMO channel matrix based on the statistics of the source signals by using the elementary matrix transformation in mathematics. 该算法基于通信源信号的统计特性,利用数学上通过矩阵初等变换实现矩阵对角化的原理对MIMO信道矩阵实现了对角化。
This paper introduces the concepts of generalized elementary matrix and generalized elementary transformation as well as the applications of calculating matrix inversion, determinant, rank and contract transformation. 本文介绍了广义初等矩阵与广义初等变换的概念以及它们在求逆矩阵、行列式计算、求秩和在矩阵的合同变换方面的应用。
The variety of elementary row of matrix is the basic calculating method in Linear Algebra, it is necessary especially in equation-solution, solution of inverse-matrix, rank-solution, and in the relevant analyses of vector group. 矩阵的初等行变换是线性代数最基本的计算方法,特别在解方程、矩阵求逆、求秩、向量组相关性分析中都是不可缺少的。
As the basis for the primary transformation matrix, the rotating transformation for matrix and the primary transformation will be compounded a kind of non elementary transformation for matrix which is illustrated its practical use. 又以初等变换为基础,将矩阵的旋转变换和初等变换复合为矩阵的一种非初等变换,并举例说明了这种变换的实际应用。
Block-elementary Matrix and it's Application 分块初等矩阵及其应用
Non-elementary Transformation for Matrix 矩阵的一种非初等变换
The old methods about solving a system of linear equations all base on using the row's elementary operation to matrix of coefficients or augmented matrix. 现有的关于线性方程组的解法,都是基于对系数阵或增广阵施行初等“行”变换。
Using elementary operation of matrix, the calculation problem like A-1B or BA-1is discussed and a simple calculating method is also given in this paper. 利用矩阵的初等变换,讨论了形如A-1B或BA-1的计算问题,并给出了较为简便的计算方法。
The elementary alternate of matrix is an important tool broadly used in linear algebra. 矩阵的初等变换是线性代数中应用十分广泛的重要工具。